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Working through the 12 steps
Learn more about the steps

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Introduction to the Twelve Steps

Embark on a transformative journey through the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, guiding you from admission and self-discovery to personal growth and helping others in your path to recovery.

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Steps 1 and 2

Discover the foundation of your journey with Step 1's admission of powerlessness and Step 2's belief in a higher power.

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Steps 3 and 4

Commit to change by making a decision to turn your will over to a higher power and conduct a thorough personal inventory.

Step 5 and 6

Share your findings with someone you trust and embrace the process of becoming entirely ready for transformation.

Step 7 and 8

Humbly ask for removal of your shortcomings and start making amends to those you have harmed.

Step 9 and 10

Continue your amends and maintain your progress by taking daily personal inventory and promptly correcting any wrongs.

Step 11 and 12

Deepen your connection through prayer and meditation while carrying the message of hope to others and practicing these principles in all your affairs.

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