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What is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)?

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a fellowship of individuals who share their experiences, strength, and hope with each other to help solve their common problem of alcoholism. The primary purpose of AA is to help members achieve and maintain sobriety through mutual support and adherence to a set of guiding principles known as the Twelve Steps.

Alcoholics Anonymous Literature

Need help with a drinking problem?

A.A. has a solution. That is not an empty promise. A.A. has been helping alcoholics recover for more than 80 years. A.A.'s program of recovery is built on the simple foundation of one alcoholic sharing with another.  If your drinking is out of control, A.A. can help.

How do I join AA?

Joining AA is simple and free of charge. You don’t need to sign up or pay any fees. Just attend a local meeting or reach out to the group through our website. You can come as often as you like, and you don’t need to share anything unless you’re comfortable doing so. AA is open to anyone who wants to stop drinking and is committed to recovery.

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